Beware of the Dangers of Carcinogenic Substances Around Us

Carcinogenicity is a term that explains the nature of substances or exposure to materials that can trigger cancer (carcinogens). It could be that carcinogens are more often in contact with you everyday, compared to your assumptions all along.

Cancer is one type of disease that is feared. No wonder, because cancer is the number two deadly disease, after cardiovascular disease, namely stroke and heart attack.

Beware of the Dangers of Carcinogenic Substances Around Us

Triggering DNA Changes

Cancer causes are changes in DNA cells (deoxyribonucleate), which are triggered by carcinogens. Some carcinogens do not directly affect DNA, but can trigger cancer in its own way. For example, carcinogens break down and multiply cells faster than normal, thus increasing the risk of DNA changes.

Humans are easily exposed to foreign substances, including carcinogenic substances, anytime and anywhere. When doing activities at home, school, office, breathing air, or eating certain foods.

The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) as part of the WHO classifies carcinogens into:
  • Group 1: Carcinogenic to humans.
  • Group 2A: Most likely carcinogenic to humans.
  • Group 2B: Suspected of being potentially carcinogenic to humans.
  • Group 3: Not carcinogenic in humans.
  • Group 4: Most likely not carcinogenic to humans.
The IARC carcinogenic list includes tobacco cigarettes, ultraviolet light (UVA, UVB, and UVC), formaldehyde, ethanol in alcoholic beverages, asbestos, and many that are included as carcinogens.

The most common carcinogens

Of the various carcinogens found everyday, there are three types of carcinogens that are classified as common, namely:

Carcinogenic in cigarettes

Cigarettes are very dangerous toxins and carcinogens. In Indonesia, the most common cigarettes are tobacco cigarettes. The content of tobacco cigarettes consists of thousands of substances, where about 70 substances in cigarettes are believed to trigger cancer.

List of cancer-causing substances in cigarettes are nicotine, carbon monoxide, ammonia, arsenic, formaldehyde, hydrogen cyanide, lead, radioactive elements (uranium), benzene, nitrosamines, and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. Not only causes lung problems, smoking also triggers cancer, both in the lungs and various other organs, but it can also increase the risk of heart attack, and other serious health problems.

For that, it is recommended for smokers to stop bad habits that can damage health. Start switching to a healthy lifestyle by quitting smoking to build a bright future. Stay away from smoking at home or public places that can spread cigarette smoke to family members or other people (passive smoking).

Carcinogenic in food

There are several types of carcinogens in food. First, natural products in food that cannot be avoided. For example, the manufacture of salted fish, most producers of salted fish use production which instead produces carcinogenic products and the process cannot be avoided.

Then, natural products that can still avoid contamination in wheat seeds that produce carcinogenic fungi are aflatoxin. Research shows that aflatoxin is a major cause of liver cancer, especially in countries with lower resources and the hepatitis B population is very common.

There are also carcinogens in food due to certain processes in foods that are difficult to remove and can contaminate the environment. Finally, carcinogenic types in food can be found in chemicals that are intentionally added such as saccharin or food coloring.

Carcinogenic in Cosmetics

Unlike medicinal and food products, self-care products such as cosmetics generally do not tell the harmful side effects or carcinogens contained in them. However, very rarely cancer is triggered just because of cosmetic use. Although there are some ingredients in cosmetics contain carcinogens such as formaldehyde, but usually the content is very small.

To prevent exposure to harmful carcinogens in cosmetics, you should only use cosmetics that are sold legally and have passed dermatology tests. The level of poison in cosmetics is generally very low, so it will not trigger cancer. Although the use of cosmetics with certain certain harmful substances, can cause side effects of cosmetic use such as contact dermatitis, hormonal disorders to birth defects in pregnancy.

Read the cosmetic label well to find out the contents in it. Make sure the beauty tools that are chosen are not carcinogenic or contain cancer-triggering substances as well as cosmetics suitable for use. If cosmetics cause certain symptoms, stop using it immediately and consult a doctor to get the right treatment.
Carcinogens do not always cause cancer, some substances require certain conditions to be carcinogenic to humans such as not being harmful when touched, but increasing the risk if swallowed, some other substances can trigger cancer, although the exposure is few, but others are considered carcinogenic, if continuously exposed in the long run. So that it can be understood that each carcinogen has different characteristics.

Some types of carcinogens have carcinogenic properties that are more difficult to avoid than others. Minimize carcinogenic exposure by carefully reading food or cosmetic packaging labels, stopping smoking and avoiding other pollution.

By: dr. Allert Noya / Alodokter
Abnet, C. NCBI. Carcinogenic Food Contaminants. Cancer Investigation. 2007. 25 (3), pp.189–196.
WHO World Health Organization. Cancer.
WHO World Health Organization. Cardiovascular disease.
NHS Choices UK (2016). Live Well. 10 health benefits of stopping smoking.
American Cancer Society (2017). Cancer A-Z. Harmful Chemicals in Tobacco Products.
American Cancer Society (2016). Cancer A-Z. Known and Probable Human Carcinogens.
Santoro, E. Healthline (2017). Harmful Toxins in Cosmetics: What to Avoid.

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